Friday, July 4, 2008

Solomon Says...

My youngest provides logic beyond understanding. Today's enlightenment is worth a "big up" to Big Daddy as it gave me another slice of joy. He's a bright, shiny six year old (we'll call him Abner) and his banter goes something like this (stage setting - mall food court):

Abner: "Mommy?"
Me: "Yeah Boo?"
Abner: "I'm sad."
Me: "Why Boo?"
Abner: "Cause now I want to do TWO things. I want to ride the carousel AND play Mario Kart."
Me: "Well that's ok - you can do both...why are you sad?"
Abner: "Cause I'm not TWO PEOPLE!!!!!!" I would swear there was a "you idiot." after his reasoning.

Thanks Papa for the gift of joy. We're not so fond of the time and space continuum down here, but we love you all the same.

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