Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Favorite

Silly as it sounds, I prayed last night that God would make sure I got up early. I wanted to be at work at 5am. I set the alarm for 3:30 knowing I would snooze it a couple times. At 3:20, my love tossed and turned - so much so and so unusual for him that I stirred. Before I could nestle back into my sweet sleep, thunder roared outside and rain pounded the ground audibly.

I rolled over and immediately recognized that my Papa was waking me up. I smiled at this knowledge and spoke to him internally "just ten more minutes, ok?" Like good dad, He did not rest until I was up and at 'em. The thunder persisted until my feet hit the ground. Still out of it, I turned off the alarm which had not yet begun it's beeping.

It was such a marvelous way to wake up. to ask your Dad to wake you up and He does and He makes sure that He accomplishes what was asked. What is that scripture about if your child asks for food you don't give him a snake? Nope you wake her sorry butt up to go back to work and hope that she does something good for Him.

I am not so sure I accomplished the latter - but I sure got a warm, safe joy from knowing that something as small as waking me up made it to Big Daddy's To Do List. It makes me feel like I am His favorite. Aren't we all?

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