Friday, July 4, 2008

It didn't start as a poem - so pardon the rhymes

Disrespecting while being disrespected, I was.
It was an impromptu meeting that I was ... dreading.
Partially because one of the party was a boy named Pest.
Well he's a man I guess. None the less he makes a mess
Whenever something strikes his fancy
He gets on a a soapbox and begins his verbal dancing.

Selling his latest to anyone who'll listen
Only his ideas are the ones that glisten
To him, he is bright and upright and a wise man
To me he is shady and like a downtown car salesman.

I know his intentions are good...
Or to make him "look good" I can't decide.
God has placed him in my path for an uncomfortable ride.
What should I get from this smarmy Pest?

I provided the strategy to unwanting ears
The party sighed, ignored and begans with their fears.
"It's not enough, the customer wants more!"
They argued "year published, paraphrase, dynamic equivalence"
While I sat stewing in confounded indifference.

I offered a thought that perhaps we are talking to ourselves
Which was met with a response like "25 years selling the Bible I think I know how to sell from the shelves."
Aware of my offense which triggered my female instincts
I apologized, accepted the notes, and thought "this stinks"

I felt so bad not just cause I disrespected
But because I also felt so disrespected.
You see my career in retail has always sold to women
And most of the time companies are governed by men

They don't seem to care or understand our plight
Rather talk to themselves and keep out of sight
The voice of the company comes across to us girls
As arrogant and dismissed -
To the swine I throw pearls

I bring my gifts and the boys feel free to rob
Therein lies parity between my gender and job
If I could truly speak to my girls in their hood
We'd be honest, vulnerable and so much more understood.

I'll read this later and feel like a shit
With my gender and Catholic upbringing comes a guilt trip
My preference is hope though - He'll reveal something right
I will look to my Papa for the gift of sight.

1 comment:

Marci @Finding Joy in the Journey said...

ahh yes, I will now officially stake claim to you. I am sure of your secret identity. I will however not mention it to others we have in common. You may get a visitor or two from my blog type girlfriends who like a good mystery now and then.

You have been on my mind for a bit now and you know I think we should speak more often. We're far apart in our every day worlds but I think we may be more in the same place in other ways.

love to you...